Using WRT54GP2 with MyNetFone for VoIP

December 4, 2006 Reading time: 2 minutes See Comments

Setting up VoIP is not always trivial, here I document the settings I used to get the Linksys WRT54GP2 wireless router to work with the MyNetFone VoIP service. Also see the support page on for more info.

You can access the router in your browser at (substitute your assigned IP address if you have changed it).

Basic settings page

Display Name: 09XXXXX {Your account number}
User ID: {Same Again}
Authentication User Name: {Same Again}
Authentication Password: ************** {Your Password – Case Sensitive}
Registration / Proxy Server:
Voice Quality: Good (G.729 Require 8k Bandwidth)

Now the trickier part, you need to go to the “hidden” page at

Here select “Line 1″ and ensure that “Line Enable” is set to “Yes” and “Use Auth ID” is set to “No”.

Now scroll down and at “Dial Plan” enter a dial plan, something like the following should work OK (for Australia),


Now, click “Save Settings”, if you get an error at this point, don’t worry the settings will still be saved, just wait about 10 seconds, then enter again to see the updated settings.

That’s it, plug a telephone into Line 1 and you should get a dial tone and be able to make calls.

To setup Line 2 repeat the above steps substituting Line 2 where appropriate.

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